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Committee Descriptions

Committee Descriptions

Mon, 19 Sep 2016

written by Djamari Oetringer

Activiteitencommissie (AC)
De activities committee organises general fun activities for all CognAC-members approximately two times per month. Examples of activities organised by the AC are a pool party, board game nights, paintball, a poker tournament, a pub quiz and the hitchhike competition.

Discussion Committee (DisCo)
Our goals for this committee consists of regular meet-ups where we discuss philosophy, ethics, and implications of technology/ Artificial Intelligence for society.

In each meeting, one person would give a short introduction talk about the topic of the session. Afterwards. the group can have fun talking about and discussing the subject in full depth. Every session is expected to take around 1.5h.

Drankcommissie Alcohol tot Appelsap (DAtA)
Each month the DAtA organises a get-together (‘borrel’) with a theme in one of the canteens of Olympus.

Eerstejaarscommissie (1C)
The first years committee is a committee for first-year students to get acquainted with CognAC. They will organise a few general activities in half a year. Examples of activities are a beer game night and a movie night.

Eetcommissie (EC)
The food committee organises activities that have everything to do with food. They are responsible for organising dinners, barbecues, lunches, picnics and more.

Externe commissie (XC)
The external committee will search for new sponsors together with the chief external affairs. They also maintain current relationships with sponsors and organise excursions to companies.

Introductiecommissie (IC)
The introduction committee organises the introduction week for all new AI-students in Nijmegen.

League of Legendscommissie (LoLCo)
The League of Legends committee organises a big League of Legends tournament once per year. This is a tournament for the online game ‘League of Legends’ and last year there were over 200 attendees. This event is open for all students of the university.

Master Committee/Mastercommissie (MaC)
The master committee usually consists of master students and organises activities which are more accessible for master students.

Mediacommissie (MC)
The media committee promotes and makes a poster for each activity. They also make a year book and write articles for the CogBlog.

Onderwijskwaliteit Kunstmatige Intelligentie (OKKI)
The OKKI collects course evaluations written by students and publishes these online.


Parents Day Committee (PC)
The Parents day Committee will organise the parents day. During this day, parents (and brothers and sisters!) get a taste of their child's (or sibling's) student life. They will follow lectures, get a campus tour and the day will end with some drinks.

Ski Committee (SkiCo)
The SkiCo will organise the first CognAC-trip centred around winter sports! If you like winter sports and also like to organize trips, this is definitely the committee for you!

Symposiumcommissie (SymCo)
Once per year the symposium committee organises ACAIS: the Annual CognAC Artificial Intelligence Symposium. There will be multiple speakers at the symposium, all telling something about the chosen theme.

Sportcommissie (SpoC)
The sports committee organises sports activities like the Batavierenrace, swimming, water skiing and dodge ball.

Statutes Committee (StaCo)
This year CognAC will amend its statutes (statutenwijziging in dutch). For this endeavor, we will introduce a new committee: the Statutes Committee. In this committee, you will co-decide on how the statutes will change.

Studiecommissie (SC)
The study committee organises all study related activities. They organise study groups, workshops, flash talks, and movie nights amongst others.

Vastlegcommissie (VLC)
The photo committee takes pictures and makes films at CognAC-activities. These will then be posted on the CognAC website. They even make their own CognAC movie sometimes!

Websitecommissie (WC)
The website committee maintains the CognAC website. A new website has just launched and they are still busy expanding the website with new features and improving it.

Weekendcommissie (WkC)
The weekend committee organises the CognAC-weekend once per year. In this weekend we will be sleeping at a rural location and it is full of fun activities!

Zwedencommissie (ZC)
Every year we have an exchange with our sister association KogVet in Sweden. One year they visit us and the Sweden Committee is responsible for making a nice outline and program for the Swedes and the other year CognAC visits them in Sweden and the Sweden Committee is responsible for organising a trip to Sweden. This year we will be visiting Sweden.